*2023 financial data
Laura Willemsen
Irving Epstein
David Post
Frances Vavrus
Bernhard Streitwieser
Raewyn Connell
Bernadette McCurrie
Ahmad Medadi
Carol Goodey
Yisu Zhou
Judith Johannes
Hui Xie
Javier Fernández Fuente
Merrilyn Fahey
Fred and Carrie Brehm
D. Brent Edwards Jr.
Karen Lillie
Rebecca Spratt
Gray Rinehart
Ren-Hao Xu
Kate Halcrow
Victoria Desimoni
Kathryn Anderson-Levitt
Michael Rumbelow
Gita Steiner-Khamsi
Jane Kenway
Mary Mendenhall
Margie Appel
Fernanda Gandara
Beth Chapman
Neal Hutchens
Iveta Silova
And other anonymous donors