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Winton, S., & Milani, M. (2017). Policy advocacy, inequity, and school fees and fundraising in Ontario, Canada. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25, 40-40.

Addey, C. (2018). The assessment culture of international organizations:‘From philosophical doubt to statistical certainty’through the appearance and growth of international large-scale assessments. Student assessment cultures in historical perspective, 379-408.

Xiangxiang, Z. (2018). FACULTY OF EDUCATION.

BENAVOT, A. (2019). The Past and Future of SDG Target 4.7. NISSEM Global Briefs.

Brady, K. P., Russo, C. J., Dieterich, C. A., & Osborne Jr, A. G. (2019). Legal issues in special education: Principles, policies, and practices. Routledge.

Call-Cummings, M., Manion, C., & Shah, P. P. (2019). Interrogating and Innovating CIE Research: Setting the Stage. In Interrogating and Innovating Comparative and International Education Research (pp. 1-14). Brill.

Hipkins, R. (2019). Thinking critically about PISA. Set: Research Information for Teachers, 2, 49-52.

Knutsson, B., & Lindberg, J. (2019). On the absent ground of transnational partnerships in education: A post-foundational intervention. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(4), 432-444.

Powell, D. (2019). Revealing the privatisation of education. The professional practice of teaching in New Zealand, 256-272.

Winton, S., & Jervis, L. (2019). Beyond Rhetoric: How Context Influences Education Policy Advocates’ Success. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 14(7), n7.

Addey, C., & Sellar, S. (2020). The rise of international large-scale assessments and rationales for participation. In The Legacy of Jullien’s Work for Comparative Education (pp. 132-150). Routledge.

Ball, S. J. (2020). Following policy: networks, network ethnography and education. Globalisation and Education, 126.

Bray, M., Kobakhidze, M. N., & Suter, L. E. (2020). The challenges of measuring outside-school-time educational activities: Experiences and lessons from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Comparative Education Review, 64(1), 87-106.

Hastedt, D., & Rocher, T. (2020). International Large-Scale Assessments in Education: A Brief Guide. IEA Compass: Briefs in Education. Number 10. International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.

Margeviča-Grinberga, I., & Šūmane, I. (2020). Skolotāja profesionālā darbība.

Currin, E., Schroeder, S., & Mccardle, T. (2021). Portraits of Protest in Florida: How Opt-Out Makes the Personal Political. Teachers College Record, 123(5), 1-22.

Helin, J. (2021). The Need and Challenges of Tracking Implementation of SDG Target 4.7.

Tatto, M. T. (2021). Comparative research on teachers and teacher education: global perspectives to inform UNESCO’s SDG 4 agenda. Oxford Review of Education, 47(1), 25-44.

Boden, R., & Teperi, J. (2022). Tampere Institute for Advanced Study Mentoring Handbook. Version 1.0


Pham, J. (2022). Privatization and the Exacerbation of Educational Inequality in Canada. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/Revue canadienne des jeunes chercheures et chercheurs en éducation, 13(2).

Sobe, N. W. (2022). The future and the past are unevenly distributed: COVID’s educational disruptions and UNESCO’s global reports on education. Paedagogica Historica, 58(5), 802-812.

Robertson, M. (2023). From Reconciliation to ‘Idle No More’:‘Articulation’and Indigenous Struggle in Canada. aboriginal policy studies, 10(2).

Brehm, W. (2023). Comparative Education as a Political Project. Comparative Education, 59(3)

Holland, C., Bennett, D., Mughal, A. G., & Ni, H. (nd) G20 collaborative strategy for SDG 4 Target 4.7: Monitoring progress in education for sustainable development and global citizenship education.