Ritesh Shah and Francine Menashy
Reimagining education in emergencies

Today we try to reimagine education in emergencies. With me are Ritesh Shah and Francine Menashy. They have recently co-edited a special Forum for the journal Compare which put practitioners and scholars in conversation about the “colonial imperialist, racialized, and capitalist logics” that underpin the field of education in emergencies, known as EiE.

Ritesh Shah is a senior lecturer in the faculty of education and social work at the University of Auckland and Francine Menashy is an associate professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Their new Compare Forum is entitled “Reimagining education in emergencies: a conversation between practitioners and scholars.”

Citation: Shah, Ritesh, Menashy, Francine with Will Brehm, FreshEd, 378, podcast audio, December 16, 2024. https://freshedpodcast.com/380-shah-menashy/

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