Ioannis Costas Batlle & Aurelien Mondon
University Strikes in the UK: Re-Imagining Higher Education

Today, we explore the university strikes in the United Kingdom. My guests are Ioannis Costas Batlle and Aurelien Mondon, lecturers at the University of Bath and participants in the Bath Teach Outs.

Based on their experiences in the current labor movement sweeping the UK, they find an alternative to the neoliberal university.

Their new co-written blog post entitled “University Strikes: Reclaiming a space for emancipatory education” was published by Discover Society.

Learn more about the strikes here:

Citation: Batlle, Ioannis Costas & Mondon, Aurelien, interview with Will Brehm, FreshEd, 107, podcast audio, March 12, 2018.

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