Sebastian Berger
Students and Youth in Global Education Governance

Today we explore the role of students and youth in global education governance. With me is Sebastian Berger, the Executive Director of the Global Student Forum. The Global Student Forum is the umbrella organisation of the world’s major representative student federations and the only independent, democratic and representative student governance structure dedicated to promoting the rights and perspectives of student organisations and movements on the global level.

Sebastian Berger has been an active member of the international student movement for years, holding various leadership positions on the local, national and international level. He previously held the office of Vice President in the European Students’ Union (ESU) and was a founding member of the GSF Steering Committee. He’s currently paused his Master’s degree to work full-time with the Global Student Forum.

Citation: Berger, Sebastian interview with Will Brehm, FreshEd, 290, podcast audio, August 1, 2022.

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