Hand-picked collections by special guests to help you sift through our archive. New lists updated monthly.

Subverting the Social Justice Discourse in Education

by Max Antony-Newman

Can Reflections on Competition Lead to Cooperation between the Global East and the West?

by Miguel Antonio Lim

Emerging Crisis in Higher Education

by Jisun Jung

Equity Across Borders: Insights for Educational Pipelines

by Meseret F. Hailu & William Redding

Redefining Education: Moving from Old Stories of Progress to New Narratives of Relationality

by Victoria Desimoni

On the Quest for Good Measurement

by Fernanda Gándara

Egalitarian or elite? The case of the German education system

by Karen Lillie

Bringing the World to the US Based Teacher Education Classroom

by Maria Hantzopoulos

Rethinking Comparative and International Education as a Field

by Nozomi Sakata

Podcast as Catalyzing Invitation

by Lisa Unangst

Creating accessible & inclusive EMI classrooms using narrative podcasts

by Thomas Brotherhood

Why I use an Education Podcast to Teach International Relations

by Kalyani Unkule

Centering the Local in Global Climate Change Education

by Neela Nandyal

Racism in Education Across Global Contexts

by Celia Reddick

Scholarly Podcasting is Changing Academia

by Ian M. Cook

How waves of migration, feminism and colonialism spread the cubic seeds of kindergarten

by Michael W. Rumbelow

The Nexus Between Global Education Research and Policy

by Meg P. Gardinier

From Conflict and Refuge to Education and Belonging

by Mir Abdullah Miri

Gender, Education & Research

by Yun You

Podcasts for Research Methods

by Francine Menashy

Expanding Understanding of Education Issues around the World

by Elizabeth Tandy Shermer

Ability, Activism, and the Asia-Pacific

by Chris Hammond

Who Governs Education? Unpacking the ‘Black Box’

by Pravin Balakrishnan

Refugee Access to Education

by Bernhard Streitwieser

Understanding the complexities of education and schooling

by Christian Ydesen

Educating the 21st Century Child

by Audrey Bryan

Making the Complex Accessible

by Neal Hutchens

Scholarship and Social Change: Activist Academics

by Rosalie Metro

FreshEd in the Classroom

by Frances Vavrus

What Matters

by Catherine Doherty

FreshEd Favorites Ahead of the Transforming Education Summit

by Antonia Wulff

Living up to FreshEd’s Mission

by Obafemi Ogunleye

Global Dimensions of Education Policy in Federal Contexts

by Laura Engel

Privatization, Private Tutoring & the Rise of Non-State Actors in Education

By Nutsa Kobakhidze

An Assortment of Insights

by Claire Maxwell

Global Governance & Education

by William C. Smith

Climate Justice and Educational Transformation

by Robin Shields

Complexities of Space in Educational Research

By Jason Beech

Contemporary Capitalism & the Higher Education Industry

by Janja Komljenovic

The Role of Context in Understanding Education

by Ibrahim Alhouti

Decolonizing Ourselves & the World

by D. Brent Edwards Jr.

Growth, Environment & Education: Pathways and Choices

by Elizabeth Sumida Huaman

Education, the Climate Crises & Community Activism

by Marianne Larsen

Curriculum Matters

by Daniel Friedrich

Education & Global Development

by Rui da Silva

The Spirit of Higher Education

by Volker Rundshagen & Rajani Naidoo

Decolonizing Rights, Humanizing Education

by Monisha Bajaj

Tensions in Comparative & International Education

by Michele Schweisfurth

Education & Climate Crisis

by Iveta Silova

The Complexities of Teaching & Teacher Education

by Matthew A.M. Thomas

Globalization & Affect

by Irving Epstein

Learning Whiteness

by Arathi Sriprakash

No Going Back

by Will Brehm