Brehm Brehm2016-02-08 02:18:132024-06-30 10:33:56Aziz Choudry Activism and social movements
Jane Kenway is an emeritus professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. For the past several years, Professor Kenway has led a team of scholars and students from around the world on a multi-sited global ethnography of elite schools in 12 countries. The study explores the global forces, connections and imaginations on elite schools, and hopes to […] Brehm Brehm2016-01-11 01:31:502022-01-16 17:49:19Will Smith The Global Testing Culture Brehm Brehm2015-12-21 01:28:412025-02-04 05:40:56Fazal Rizvi The Rise of Asia higher education? Brehm Brehm2015-11-23 00:57:432022-05-30 23:24:07Marianne Larsen Space in educational research Brehm Brehm2015-11-16 00:41:152022-02-04 20:49:33Tavis Jules Regionalism in the Caribbean
Aziz Choudry
Activism and social movements
Activism and social movements
Jane Kenway
Multi-sited global ethnography
Jane Kenway is an emeritus professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. For the past several years, Professor Kenway has led a team of scholars and students from around the world on a multi-sited global ethnography of elite schools in 12 countries. The study explores the global forces, connections and imaginations on elite schools, and hopes to […]
Multi-sited global ethnography
Cynthia Miller-Idriss
Rightwing extremism in Germany
Rightwing extremism in Germany
Supriya Baily
Gender and equity in education
Gender and equity in education
Will Smith
The Global Testing Culture
The Global Testing Culture
Fazal Rizvi
The Rise of Asia higher education?
The Rise of Asia higher education?
Hugo Horta
Asian Higher Education
Asian Higher Education
Rattana Lao
Higher Education in Thailand
Higher Education in Thailand
Mark Bray
Researching Private Tutoring
Researching Private Tutoring
Marianne Larsen
Space in educational research
Space in educational research
Christopher Lubienski, Frank Adamson & Tamasin Cave
Educational privatization
Educational privatization
Tavis Jules
Regionalism in the Caribbean
Regionalism in the Caribbean