Brehm Brehm2018-04-16 10:41:592021-04-25 02:46:07Makoto Itoh Educational privatization in Japan
Tunisia is known for sparking what many in the West call the Arab Spring, the revolutionary protests that swept across North Africa and the Middle East starting in 2010. My guest today is Tavis Jules. Together with Teresa Barton, he co-authored a new book entitled Educational Transitions in post-revolutionary spaces: Islam, security, and social movements […] Brehm Brehm2018-04-02 09:09:502022-03-13 00:12:39Gina Athena Ulysse Haiti, me & THE WORLD Brehm Brehm2018-03-26 06:47:132022-08-31 18:50:22Maria Teresa Tatto & Ian Menter Learning to be a teacher Brehm Brehm2018-03-19 09:01:512021-04-25 02:48:29Ted Dintersmith What School Could Be Brehm Brehm2018-03-05 08:39:512021-04-25 02:49:27Henry Giroux The Challenge of Fascism
For over two years, this podcast has aimed to disseminate academic ideas through the medium of audio. This year FreshEd will continue to air interviews with scholars from around the world, but we are also going to experiment. Over the holidays, I got to thinking about new ways I could use audio. Listeners are now familiar […]
Today we take a broad definition of education and explore the process of released prisoners re-integrating into American society. My guest is CalvinJohn Smiley, an assistant professor at Hunter College, City University of New York. Calvin is currently co-editing a book with Keesha Middlemass entitled Prisoner Reentry in the 21st Century: Critical Perspectives of Returning […] Brehm Brehm2018-02-18 17:23:412021-04-25 02:51:16CalvinJohn Smiley Prisoner Re-entry in the USA Brehm Brehm2018-02-12 17:38:352022-04-02 23:02:00William I. Robinson The Next Economic Crisis?
To kick off the new year, we have a special show for you. Today, Linda Darling-Hammond joins me to talk about her new co-authored book Empowered Educators: How high-performing systems shape teaching quality around the world. The book explores how several countries and jurisdictions have developed comprehensive teaching and learning systems that produce a range […]
Makoto Itoh
Studying Marx under Kozo Uno
Studying Marx under Kozo Uno
Makoto Itoh
Educational privatization in Japan
Educational privatization in Japan
Tavis D. Jules
Educational transitions in Tunisia
Tunisia is known for sparking what many in the West call the Arab Spring, the revolutionary protests that swept across North Africa and the Middle East starting in 2010. My guest today is Tavis Jules. Together with Teresa Barton, he co-authored a new book entitled Educational Transitions in post-revolutionary spaces: Islam, security, and social movements […]
Educational transitions in Tunisia
Gina Athena Ulysse
Haiti, me & THE WORLD
Haiti, me & THE WORLD
Maria Teresa Tatto & Ian Menter
Learning to be a teacher
Learning to be a teacher
Ted Dintersmith
What School Could Be
What School Could Be
Ioannis Costas Batlle & Aurelien Mondon
University Strikes in the UK: Re-Imagining Higher Education
University Strikes in the UK: Re-Imagining Higher Education
Henry Giroux
The Challenge of Fascism
The Challenge of Fascism
Student Debt
For over two years, this podcast has aimed to disseminate academic ideas through the medium of audio. This year FreshEd will continue to air interviews with scholars from around the world, but we are also going to experiment. Over the holidays, I got to thinking about new ways I could use audio. Listeners are now familiar […]
CalvinJohn Smiley
Prisoner Re-entry in the USA
Today we take a broad definition of education and explore the process of released prisoners re-integrating into American society. My guest is CalvinJohn Smiley, an assistant professor at Hunter College, City University of New York. Calvin is currently co-editing a book with Keesha Middlemass entitled Prisoner Reentry in the 21st Century: Critical Perspectives of Returning […]
Prisoner Re-entry in the USA
William I. Robinson
The Next Economic Crisis?
The Next Economic Crisis?
Linda Darling-Hammond
Empowered educators
To kick off the new year, we have a special show for you. Today, Linda Darling-Hammond joins me to talk about her new co-authored book Empowered Educators: How high-performing systems shape teaching quality around the world. The book explores how several countries and jurisdictions have developed comprehensive teaching and learning systems that produce a range […]
Empowered educators