2022 in Review
Tensión entre Neoliberalismo y Estado Social
Tensión entre Neoliberalismo y Estado Social
Neutralización y nueva Constitución
with Daniela Hernández and Carlos Navia
with Daniela Hernández and Carlos Navia
¿Educación Neoliberal?
Opening up the University
Reimagining Education in Chile’s New Constitution
Reimagining Education in Chile’s New Constitution
Higher Education Internationalization from a Spiritual Approach
Higher Education Internationalization from a Spiritual Approach
How did School Based Management become an approach to educational governance found across the world? Where did it come from and what institutions advanced the idea globally?
Today I speak with Brent Edwards, an Associate Professor of Theory and Methodology in the Study of Education at the University of Hawaii. He has spent over a decade researching the phenomenon of School Based Management. In his search for democratic alternatives to dominant education models, he has shown in various publications how market fundamentalism is embedded inside the very idea of School Based Management.
Citation: Edwards, Brent, interview with Will Brehm, FreshEd, 165, podcast audio, July 29, 2019.
Transcript, Translation, and Resources:
Critiquing School Based Management
Many universities around the world are focused on their efforts to internationalize. But what does that even mean? And what does that look in a single country, such as like Japan?
My guests today are Tom Brotherhood and Chris Hammond. Together with Yangson Kim, they have co-written a new article in the journal Higher Education that explores junior international faculty in Japanese Universities. Their actor-centered approach to the study of internationalization adds new insights about the phenomenon.
Tom Brotherhood is a doctoral researcher at the University of Oxford and a pre-doctoral fellow at the Research Institute for Higher Education at Hiroshima University. Chris Hammond is a doctoral student at the University of Oxford and an assistant professor in the College of Education, Psychology and Human Sciences at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo, Japan.
Citation: Brotherhood, Tom & Hammond, Chris, interview with Will Brehm, FreshEd, 164, podcast audio, July 22, 2019.
Transcript, Translation, and Resources:
Higher Education Internationalization in Japan