Science of Reading Unpacked
Global Determinants of Education Reform
Global Determinants of Education Reform
Public Education after Trump
Public Education after Trump
Is America addicted to education reform? My guest today, John Merrow, says it’s time for America to enter a 12-step program to fix its K-12 public education system.
John argues that the countless reforms he’s reported on for over four-decades have addressed the symptoms of the problems facing American education and not the root causes.
John Merrow began his career in 1974 on National Public Radio before becoming an Education Correspondent for PBS NewsHour and the founding President of Learning Matters, Inc. Now retired, John is an active writer on
His new book is entitled Addicted to Reform: A 12-Step Program to Rescue Public Education, which will be published by The New Press on August 15. Be sure to check out the e-book which features videos from John’s illustrious career.
Citation: Merrow, John, interview with Will Brehm, FreshEd, 85, podcast audio, August 7, 2017.
Transcript, Translation, and Resources:
Addicted to Reform