Educational change (or not) in Japan
Developmental Leadership in the Philippines
The Global Partnership for Education is a powerful multi-stakeholder organization in educational development. It funnels millions of dollars to develop education systems in dozens of low-income countries. Yet the board of directors of the organization strategically avoids some of the most important and controversial topics in education today.
My guest today, Francine Menashy, has researched the Global Partnership for Education and the ways in which its board of directors avoids the topic of low-fee private schools, which is a heavily debated idea in both education policy and research.
Francine Menashy is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Leadership in Education at the University of Massachusetts Boston. She researches aid to education and non-state sector engagement, including the policies of international organizations, companies, and philanthropies.
Her research discussed in today’s show was funded through a fellowship with the National Academy of Education and the Spencer Foundation.
Citation:Menashy, Francine, interview with Will Brehm, FreshEd, 33, podcast audio, July 21, 2016.
Transcript, translation, and resources:
Global Partnership for Education
Education For All as international regime
The Empire of English language
Gender and equity in education
Researching Private Tutoring