Today we kick off a four-part series called FreshEd x Symposium. During the lead-up to the 2017 Symposium, four speakers will join FreshEd to whet your appetite for the conversations and debate that will take place in Washington DC. This year’s symposium asks us to consider about how comparative and international education phenomena are studied […] Brehm Brehm2017-10-02 08:59:282021-04-25 16:25:48Leigh Patel Settler Colonialism and the Academy
Global citizenship education is an idea you’ve probably heard about. It’s fairly straightforward as an abstract concept. Much attention on global citizenship education today is to ensure that certain values are taught in school despite the ever-growing demands on students from subjects like Science, Math, and Language. But how can global citizenship education be measured? […]
Today we look at sexuality education. In some countries, scholars who advocate for a secular worldview have constructed a progressive sexuality education that embraces science at the exclusion of religion. With me is Mary Lou Rasmussen. In her monograph, Progressive Sexuality Education: The Conceits of Secularism (Routledge, 2015), which was just released in paperback, Mary […] Brehm Brehm2017-09-18 12:11:422021-04-25 16:27:24Mary Lou Rasmussen The promises and perils of progressive sexuality education
Today we talk about war and children in Japan. My guest is Sabine Frühstück, a Professor of Modern Japanese Cultural Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she also directs the East Asia Center. She has published a new book called Playing War: Children and the Paradoxes of Modern Militarism in Japan. It […] Brehm Brehm2017-09-11 07:52:402021-04-25 16:27:51Sabine Frühstück Playing War in Japan
Is America addicted to education reform? My guest today, John Merrow, says it’s time for America to enter a 12-step program to fix its K-12 public education system. John argues that the countless reforms he’s reported on for over four-decades have addressed the symptoms of the problems facing American education and not the root causes. […]
Today we look at entrepreneurship education in Tanzania. You might be asking yourself, “Hey, didn’t FreshEd recently discuss entrepreneurship education in Rwanda?” You’re right. We did. Obviously, the idea of entrepreneurship education is a global phenomenon, found in many different countries. As such, we need to understand what it is in each local context, who […] Brehm Brehm2017-07-31 09:47:512021-04-25 16:28:43Joan DeJaeghere Entrepreneurship education in Tanzania Brehm Brehm2017-07-24 08:45:592022-04-23 16:28:49John Furlong & Geoff Whitty Knowledge traditions in the study of education
What are the hard questions in education today? My guest is Pasi Sahlberg. When he was teaching at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, he edited a book with his students on some of the biggest and hardest questions facing education today. In our conversation, Pasi speaks about the class, the book, and the importance […] Brehm Brehm2017-07-17 11:15:502021-04-25 16:29:37Pasi Sahlberg Hard questions on global educational change
Textbooks are perhaps the most recognizable part of school systems. You go to school; you learn from a textbook. But what’s inside that textbook your reading? Who wrote it? How are controversial issues dealt with? And how have textbooks changed over time and compare across the country? My guest today, Jim Williams, has edited or […] Brehm Brehm2017-07-03 14:23:352021-04-25 16:30:27Darla Deardorff What are intercultural competencies? Brehm Brehm2017-06-26 09:53:182021-05-16 23:33:30Yong Zhao What works may hurt
We hear about educational privatization a lot these days. My Twitter feed is filled with countless stories about how Betsy DeVos is going to privatize education in America or how Bridge International has privatized education in some African countries. Even the first three episodes of FreshEd way back in 2015 looked at how privatization has […]
Leigh Patel
Settler Colonialism and the Academy
Today we kick off a four-part series called FreshEd x Symposium. During the lead-up to the 2017 Symposium, four speakers will join FreshEd to whet your appetite for the conversations and debate that will take place in Washington DC. This year’s symposium asks us to consider about how comparative and international education phenomena are studied […]
Settler Colonialism and the Academy
Jasodhara Bhattacharya
Measuring Global Citizenship Education
Global citizenship education is an idea you’ve probably heard about. It’s fairly straightforward as an abstract concept. Much attention on global citizenship education today is to ensure that certain values are taught in school despite the ever-growing demands on students from subjects like Science, Math, and Language. But how can global citizenship education be measured? […]
Measuring Global Citizenship Education
Mary Lou Rasmussen
The promises and perils of progressive sexuality education
Today we look at sexuality education. In some countries, scholars who advocate for a secular worldview have constructed a progressive sexuality education that embraces science at the exclusion of religion. With me is Mary Lou Rasmussen. In her monograph, Progressive Sexuality Education: The Conceits of Secularism (Routledge, 2015), which was just released in paperback, Mary […]
The promises and perils of progressive sexuality education
Sabine Frühstück
Playing War in Japan
Today we talk about war and children in Japan. My guest is Sabine Frühstück, a Professor of Modern Japanese Cultural Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she also directs the East Asia Center. She has published a new book called Playing War: Children and the Paradoxes of Modern Militarism in Japan. It […]
Playing War in Japan
John Merrow
Addicted to Reform
Is America addicted to education reform? My guest today, John Merrow, says it’s time for America to enter a 12-step program to fix its K-12 public education system. John argues that the countless reforms he’s reported on for over four-decades have addressed the symptoms of the problems facing American education and not the root causes. […]
Addicted to Reform
Joan DeJaeghere
Entrepreneurship education in Tanzania
Today we look at entrepreneurship education in Tanzania. You might be asking yourself, “Hey, didn’t FreshEd recently discuss entrepreneurship education in Rwanda?” You’re right. We did. Obviously, the idea of entrepreneurship education is a global phenomenon, found in many different countries. As such, we need to understand what it is in each local context, who […]
Entrepreneurship education in Tanzania
John Furlong & Geoff Whitty
Knowledge traditions in the study of education
Knowledge traditions in the study of education
Pasi Sahlberg
Hard questions on global educational change
What are the hard questions in education today? My guest is Pasi Sahlberg. When he was teaching at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, he edited a book with his students on some of the biggest and hardest questions facing education today. In our conversation, Pasi speaks about the class, the book, and the importance […]
Hard questions on global educational change
Jim Williams
Memory, power, and identity inside textbooks
Textbooks are perhaps the most recognizable part of school systems. You go to school; you learn from a textbook. But what’s inside that textbook your reading? Who wrote it? How are controversial issues dealt with? And how have textbooks changed over time and compare across the country? My guest today, Jim Williams, has edited or […]
Memory, power, and identity inside textbooks
Darla Deardorff
What are intercultural competencies?
What are intercultural competencies?
Yong Zhao
What works may hurt
What works may hurt
Stephen Ball
Exploring educational privatization
We hear about educational privatization a lot these days. My Twitter feed is filled with countless stories about how Betsy DeVos is going to privatize education in America or how Bridge International has privatized education in some African countries. Even the first three episodes of FreshEd way back in 2015 looked at how privatization has […]
Exploring educational privatization