Brehm Brehm2016-12-14 09:27:402022-07-01 16:44:21Toni Verger & Andy Green Education Policy in a New ‘Global’ Era Brehm Brehm2016-12-12 15:58:362022-04-23 16:45:17Hakim Mohandas Amani Williams Youth violence and the neocolonial system of education in Trinidad Brehm Brehm2016-11-21 22:18:382021-04-25 16:45:28Andy Green Social cohesion as a global education policy Brehm Brehm2016-11-09 06:47:332022-08-03 17:55:31Karen Mundy Setting the stage for the CIES Symposium on Global Learning Metrics Brehm Brehm2016-11-07 06:20:572021-04-25 16:47:16Dirk Hastedt History and development of international assessments Brehm Brehm2016-10-31 07:19:412022-04-10 16:16:01Supriya Baily The meaning of “learning” in Global Learning Metrics
Susan Robertson & Roger Dale
2016 in review
2016 in review
Toni Verger & Andy Green
Education Policy in a New ‘Global’ Era
Education Policy in a New ‘Global’ Era
Hakim Mohandas Amani Williams
Youth violence and the neocolonial system of education in Trinidad
Youth violence and the neocolonial system of education in Trinidad
Steve Klees
How Do Economists Understand Education?
How Do Economists Understand Education?
Toni Verger
Exploring educational privatization worldwide
Exploring educational privatization worldwide
Andy Green
Social cohesion as a global education policy
Social cohesion as a global education policy
Sachi Edwards
Interfaith Dialogues on Campus
Interfaith Dialogues on Campus
Pasi Sahlberg
CIES Symposium Day 2: Wrap up
CIES Symposium Day 2: Wrap up
CIES Symposium Day 1: A missing voice?
Karen Mundy
Setting the stage for the CIES Symposium on Global Learning Metrics
Setting the stage for the CIES Symposium on Global Learning Metrics
Dirk Hastedt
History and development of international assessments
History and development of international assessments
Supriya Baily
The meaning of “learning” in Global Learning Metrics
The meaning of “learning” in Global Learning Metrics