About Will Brehm
Dr. Will Brehm is an Associate Professor of Education and International Development at the IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society. He is also an Adjunct Researcher at the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) and an Honorary Adjunct Professor at the Royal University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia). He supports the World Bank on education-related projects in Cambodia and Afghanistan. Will holds a Ph.D. in comparative education from the University of Hong Kong. He was awarded a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science postdoctoral research fellowship at the Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo and was an Assistant Professor at the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) for three years. While in Tokyo, Will taught at Waseda’s Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, the University of Tokyo, Keio University, and Sophia University.
Entries by
Rui da Silva
Portuguese Aid to Education in Guinea Bissau
February 13, 2017
by Will Brehm
Aaron Benavot & David Post
CIES Candidates for Vice-President
February 6, 2017
by Will Brehm
Joel Samoff
Re-thinking Evaluations in Aid to Education
Over a hundred billion dollars are spent on international aid each year. Most aid providers undergo periodic evaluations to assess their support. Have their policies worked? What priorities have guided aid? And what practices have been effective? With such large sums of money circulating in the evaluation process, an aid evaluation industry has emerged. […]
Arathi Sriprakash
Colonial Entanglements in Comparative Education